Our Policy Library provides easy access to all institutional guidelines, regulations, and procedures. It ensures transparency and accountability, helping students and staff understand the college’s policies on academic performance, conduct, and operations.


The Students Admission Policy of IBS College sets out the expected parameters for admission to its programmes; giving information on the principles and procedures of admission, and the responsibilities of those involved in the admission process to offer students of higher intellectual potential irrespective of social, racial, religious, and financial considerations.

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Academic integrity is a fundamental value at IBS College of TVET. It encompasses honesty, trust, fairness, and respect in all academic endeavors.

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IBS College is dedicated to providing an enriching educational experience for its students. We recognize that student feedback is a valuable tool for continuous improvement and quality assurance. This Student Feedback Policy outlines the framework for gathering, analyzing, and responding to student feedback.

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This policy establishes a comprehensive framework for the development and review of programmes offered by IBS College of TVET.

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This policy covers both the Explicit Knowledge and Tacit Knowledge of IBS College.

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Integrity and respect are core values of IBS College of TVET. It is imperative for our academics and instructors to uphold these values via ensuring that the students consistently demonstrate a high level of integrity in their work. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that undermines the values of integrity, originality and intellectual growth. IBS College of TVET is committed to maintain the highest academic standards and promote a culture of academic honesty.

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To enable the financial activities carried out in compliance with the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, in order to ensure the most efficient use of the financial resources in accomplishing the vision of the organization.

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The Grievance Management Policy of IBSUniversity aims to provide a fair, transparent, and effective mechanism for students, staff, and stakeholders to raise and resolve grievances. This policy outlines the procedures for submitting, investigating, and resolving grievances promptly.

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The IBS College’s Information & Communication Technology Department exists to support and enhance the IBS College core mission of providing excellence in Education and Training for the staff, faculty, students and employees of corporate clients through the effective management and use of Information & Communication Technology resources.

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IBS College is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and accountability. This Whistleblowing Policy outlines the procedures for reporting concerns or wrongdoing and provides protection to individuals who report such issues in good faith.

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The Policy Manual is a reference manual developed by the Human Resources Department for use and adherence by the employees of IBS College.

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IBS College have a responsibility to protect the health and safety of its students, staff and visitors at all times by ensuring that students, staff, families, corporate clients and sponsors are treated on site where first aid is required, and any emergency cases had been referred to the health bay.

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Under Occupational Health and Safety Regulations the wellbeing of an employee in terms of health and safety in a working environment is mandatory. IBS College has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of its students, staff and visitor at all times. IBS College health and safety policies and practices affect an individual’s physical and psychological health and safety.

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IBS College (hereafter called the College) has been providing quality education in Papua New Guinea. To further strengthen quality, the College Board has approved the Quality Assurance Policy to meet the requirements of students and other stakeholders.

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Security over the College and staff residence is one of the principal tasks of the Administration Department. Guidance on the timing and monitoring process are documented in this policy.

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IBS College recognizes that the loss of a staff member or student is a sensitive and distressing matter that requires a compassionate and well-organized response. This Death Incident Management Policy outlines the framework for managing such incidents with dignity and respect.

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The ultimate responsibility for ensuring the fitness of the responsible persons for the Management and Governance of the IBSC rests with its College Board in return is responsible for establishing policies and procedures as well as ensuring the implementation of same.

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